Lateral Human Brain: 4th Neuro Drawing

Art, Brain, Broca's Area, cerebellum, fissure, frontal lobe, gyrus, human, Kristin Bell, lateral view of brain, medulla oblongata, neuroscience, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, pons, Prefrontal Cortex, Psychiatry, Psychology, temporal lobe, Wernicke's Area

This is the 4th pic for my neuro class. It is a drawing of the lateral human brain with only some of the parts. These are the parts we had to label.  :) You can click the picture for a larger view. NOTE: The orbitofrontal cortex was mis-labeled in this picture. It should be on the anterior part of the frontal lobe! So, I deleted the old pic and now this new one has whiteout on it. Oh well! Live and learn! :)

For my interactive Lateral Brain, click here!


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